Our Pastor
Pastor Doug Swafford
I was saved on October 9th, 2011. Prior to being saved, I taught, sang, and even attempted to preach. I experienced Holy Ghost conviction as I would read passages like John chapter three where our Lord dealt with individuals regarding their salvation. I began to realize that salvation was not merely a prayer, or a decision by the sinner, but salvation was something only God could do in a repentant, sinner’s heart.
I realized I must be completely dependent on God and there was nothing I could do to bring this about on my own. As I was reading Acts chapter eight that night, I saw where the Ethiopian Eunuch trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ and took God at His Word. It was then I realized that I could do the same. In that moment, I was saved by grace through faith. Praise the Lord! I repented, and by faith took hold of God’s promise. God made me a new creature in Christ and my life was forever changed!
In 2017 I became heavily burdened with the call to preach God’s Word, and I yielded to God’s call in May of that same year. Necessity was laid upon me to share the gospel to others and I knew God’s call on my life was to preach His Word. I could no longer avoid what God was calling me to do.
Throughout 2021-2022 God dealt with me about becoming the next Pastor at Calvary. After about a year of praying and seeking God's guidance, I submitted to His will.
I'll never forget the night God settled it in my heart! He made it crystal clear through His Word that His will was for me to be Pastor.
I’m humbled that God would use me to be a voice for Him.
The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful and supportive wife (Jennifer). She is my best friend. We are celebrating our 30th anniversary in 2024. We have 2 adult children (Avery & Kayla)
I praise the Lord for His blessings in every area of our lives.
If I can ever be a help, please contact me today by using our "contact us page"
or call at 770-867-6774
(770) 867-6774
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